The Haven welcomes visitors who want to see the project and find out more about it. It is important that you make an appointment before you arrive. A visit to the Haven includes a tour of the project and the opportunity to meet with staff and clients. You can ask questions and we can arrange for your participation in our activities if you have a special project you are involved with or if you wish to fundraise for us. For more information about this see also the fundraising page. How to find us see referrals page.

 Helmi S: Frontline Social Work student January 2019

from her introduction in our Annual Report:

In my short time here so far, I have glimpsed some special bonds between all members of the community . These relationships are what make The Haven a really special place to work notwithstanding the organised, highly effective and professional service it delivers. “

Short term or day release are also available, and most recently

Mr Cleverly,  Mental Health nurse student, wrote this after spending a morning here: 22/1/19

“Basically – recovery is a process and I see the group I participated in being  more interested to achieve their individual objective.”